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This is the third installment in a series of posts straight from our journal (handwritten).  When we first received the difficult diagnosis for our daughter (still in the womb), we immediately started journaling.  To start at the beginning, click here. Here is what we said on day 2:

DAY TWO – September 26, 2001 – (Robin)

Thousands of thoughts still go through our heads.  However, we received more knowledge on the diagnosis.  We visited a genetic counselor and she gave us positive news on the situation. (There is a best case scenario).

However, we are not putting our trust in positive news. This is hard to do. But, if we begin to rely on news, then bad news will kill our faith.  Actually, there are no facts, yet and no way to determine the severity of the situation.  We will begin to rely on good news when they are fact.  Even though we have been positive, it is always in the back of your mind like a mental weight.  Everyone has been so kind to us.  I called Pastor Mark in Taos.  He is “gathering the troops” in NM!

I feel like praising. This is the jail that Paul was in.

It is time to sing.

Read the Next Day

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