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This is the second installment in a series of posts straight from our journal (handwritten).  When we first received the difficult diagnosis for our daughter (still in the womb), we immediately started journaling.  Click here to start reading Journal from the beginning. Here is what we said:

DAY TWO – September 26, 2001 – (Erica)

A Prayer…

Yesterday was one of the most shocking days and trying days I have faced.  The doctors diagnosed this beautiful baby you have given us with Hydrocephalus.  I am, of course, completely broken hearted.  I feel like every hope I had and every plan I had has been re-directed, but at the same time I feel so much peace from you.  There is so much to think about.

How do you keep pressing on and…well…I know, because you are making it so clear.  We just need to trust you.

Thank you for being my complete strength.  I turn all of my cares over to you. Thank you for giving me such a strong and wonderful husband that has looked to you for the answer from the minute we began this journey.

When we were in the doctors office, we both started hearing the song, “Whose report shall you believe?”  It was so encouraging.  Thank you Lord for your perfect grace and comfort.

I <3 U.

Read the Next Day

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