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This is the fifth installment in a series of posts straight from our journal (handwritten).  When we first received the difficult diagnosis for our daughter (still in the womb), we immediately started journaling.  Click here to start reading Journal from the beginning. Here is what we said:

DAY FOUR – September 28, 2001 – (Erica)

A Prayer…

Trying to take it all in.

That would basically sum up what I am doing.  Yesterday was the hardest day. The shock started wearing off.  Denise (Phillips) called and talked to me to see how I was doing.  It was so good to just talk to someone.  She said that we have been given the peace that passes all understanding.  It is so true.

You have given us such peace in what would otherwise be a traumatic situation.  I thank you, Lord, for your strength and I believe whole heartedly that this child and this situation is going to bring you awesome glory.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of that.

It is so hard and so easy at the same time.  Please continue to draw Robin and I closer to you and closer to each other; so that we can find our refuge and strength solely in you.  Let us see this through spiritual eyes and not the eyes of man.

Thank you for sending us such abundant support through family and friends.  Thank you for a healthy beautiful baby girl.

<3 E.

2013 Commentary
Unfortunately, this is the last installment from Erica for quite a while.  She wrote a few posts and then didn’t write again until mid-October (a month later).  I (robin) continued writing and will post those in coming days.  God answered her prayers about her marriage. He used this situation to bring our relationship closely together.  The divorce rate for Special Needs parents is a lot higher than for parents of typical kids.  We give God the honor for what He continues to do in our life and marriage.

Read the next Installment