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After 9 1/2 years, a Doctor finally gave us Good News.

November 24th 2001, the day my sweet Kenna was born.  On that day, we received the diagnosis of Alobar Holoprosencephaly.  Alobar being the most sever form of the condition.  The other forms of this condition are, in order from most severe to least,Semi-Lobar, Lobar and MIHV. 

The past nine and a half years have left many wounds on this heart.  Grief of what will never be because of those two words.  Grief from knowing I will never have a typical daughter, never see her go to her first Daddy daughter dance, never play dress up, never have a group of girls come and play with her, never see her get married.  The emotions have come for years.

This desert daily blossoming with her sweet smiles and innocent laugh, covering up the barrenness, the lost and the sadness of what could have been.  Throughout the nine years the news has always been focused on the end, and what felt like relentless news of what would only get worse.

June 14, 2011, all of that changed for the first time.
