We are excited to let you know that “How To Be Made Whole” is officially released! You can get it on Amazon (click here) OR our website (click here).
We would love for you to share this with anyone that you know need Good News! We are thrilled that thousands of people will get to hear the Gospel through the life of our daughter. Who would have ever thought this was possible 18 years ago??!! We were facing a tremendous impossibility for her to simply live (much less preach all over the world). While in Cuba several years back, I was listening to a young man thank me over and over for sharing her story. I distinctly remember God whispering to me over his shoulder, “Kennady is speaking all over the world.” The message keeps going out! We are loved and accepted by God… right now! (before we get it all together)
Once you read the book, it will be very helpful for you to rate and/review on Amazon or other online stores.
Have you checked out our podcast yet? Erica and I have posted six episodes already on a variety of helpful topics. It’s a raw and real conversation with no script! It gets quite funny at times. We hope people are encouraged and entertained. 🙂 You can search for the Made Meaningful podcast anywhere you get podcasts or click here!
We love you guys so much! Thanks for being our family. We find so much strength from you.
Robin (and Erica and Kennady)
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