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I was completely honored when Randy Phillips agreed to write a foreword for my book.  Of course, I have known Pastor Randy all of my life, and I currently work with him and his network of churches.  For years,  I have been amazed at his ability to craft a phrase, sentence, sermon, song…anything with words.

Here is what Randy Phillips had to say about this journey:


Many of us believe that life is formulaic. Especially, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ. In other words, if I accept Jesus Christ into my life and live righteously according to Biblical principles, I will live a life unscathed. Untouched by tragedy. Robin and Erica Steele would fit that assumption perfectly. They grew up in my church. Full of integrity and love for God. They came from amazing parents who helped start our church, fund the church, and brought many lost souls to grow the church. Robin and Erica perfectly fit the life that we would want everyone to have. He became our student pastor, then our children’s pastor and, ultimately, they became lead pastors of a thriving church in San Marcos. Perfect life. All the boxes were checked…and then.

Everybody gets an “and then.” The email, the phone call, the summons to the doctor’s office, the boss asks you to step into his office.

I will never forget getting a call from Robin Steele to inform me his daughter had been born. His tone was measured and mature—very unusual for such exciting news. On the other hand, I was over the moon for Robin and Erica—their first precious baby was here. I was a bit taken aback by Robin’s tone in light of this amazing event so I asked the question, “Is everything ok?” In the same mature, matter-of-fact tone, Robin’s answer broke my heart. Denise and I immediately drove to the hospital. Amid the tears and the hugs was the presence of the Holy Spirit. Peace that passes all understanding.   If God ever entrusted a couple with a special gift, he found the right ones. We have watched how Robin and Erica have walked this road with grace given by God to encourage others who have experienced pain.

Robin Steele’s HOW TO BE MADE WHOLE touched my heart and changed my mind. I could not put the book down. All of us are desperate for wholeness. With practical steps and storytelling that will touch your soul, you will thank yourself for reading and absorbing the testimony of Robin and Erica Steele.

I’m so proud of Robin and Erica, their flourishing church, their friendships and their impeccable character.

Randy Phillips, lead pastor of Life.Family,