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And the drum roll please…

Here are Kennady’s supplies for the next two weeks.

A lot O stuff here.  This time around I (Erica) have managed not to get completely stressed out until this day before we leave, which is a big step in the right direction.  Usually, I am a giant troll for at least 4 days before leaving.

sssskkkkrrreeetttcchchhhhh This is Robin interrupting my wife’s blog.  Today, she has made up for all the days she wasn’t a grouch.  Got it all in in one day.  Ok, back to Erica….

My husband is a butt and I just punched him!

Anyone remember The Princess Bride and the old lady??  “LIAR, LLLLIIIIAAAARRRR”  yeah, that’s basically it.

Ok, back to my explanation of the packing scenario.

This is how it goes down.  I pack everyone except my husband, who meanders in the night before we leave and packs his stuff.

Ok, back to packing Kennady.  It’s a lot and you can obviously see that.

The rest of us are allotted one checked baggage and one carry on.

Check back daily for more random spouse banter and updates on our adventure.